Forrige: Soundtrack Tilbage til oversigt Aktuel gruppe Næste: Abba

17 titler med 10 cc

10 cc - 1973 10 cc 10 cc - 1973 10 cc 10 cc - 1973 10 cc 10 cc - 1974 Sheet Music 10 cc - 1974 Sheet Music 10 cc - 1974 Sheet Music
10 cc - 1975 The Original Soundtrack 10 cc - 1975 The Original Soundtrack 10 cc - 1976 How Dare You! 10 cc - 1976 How Dare You! 10 cc - 1977 Deceptive Bends 10 cc - 1977 Deceptive Bends
10 cc - 1977 Live and Let Live 10 cc - 1977 Live and Let Live 10 cc - 1978 Bloody Tourists 10 cc - 1978 Bloody Tourists 10 cc - 2012 In Concert - Clever Clogs

Detaljeret oversigt

Omslag År Album titel Omslag År Album titel
10 cc - 1973 10 cc
1973 10 cc
10 cc - 1976 How Dare You!
1976 How Dare You!
Mixed medie (UK Records UKAL 1005) / Spilletid 34:58 Spilletid 45:24
10 cc - 1973 10 cc
1973 10 cc
10 cc - 1977 Deceptive Bends
1977 Deceptive Bends
LP (Not Bad Records BADLP006) / Genudgivelse fra 2014 / Spilletid 34:58 LP (Phonogram 6310 502) / Spilletid 39:35
10 cc - 1973 10 cc
1973 10 cc
10 cc - 1977 Deceptive Bends
1977 Deceptive Bends
CD (Castle CCSCD 214) / Spilletid 34:58 Spilletid 39:35
10 cc - 1974 Sheet Music
1974 Sheet Music
10 cc - 1977 Live and Let Live
1977 Live and Let Live
LP (UK Records UKAL 1007) / Spilletid 38:03 LP (Mercury 6641 714) / Live optagelse fra 18. juni 1977 / Spilletid 1:30:12
10 cc - 1974 Sheet Music
1974 Sheet Music
10 cc - 1977 Live and Let Live
1977 Live and Let Live
LP (Not Bad Records BADLP007) / Genudgivelse fra 2014 / Spilletid 38:03 Live optagelse / Spilletid 1:30:12
10 cc - 1974 Sheet Music
1974 Sheet Music
10 cc - 1978 Bloody Tourists
1978 Bloody Tourists
CD (Castle CCSCD 214) / Spilletid 38:03 LP (Mercury 6310 504) / Spilletid 49:26
10 cc - 1975 The Original Soundtrack
1975 The Original Soundtrack
10 cc - 1978 Bloody Tourists
1978 Bloody Tourists
LP (Mercury 9102 500) / Spilletid 42:07 Spilletid 53:28
10 cc - 1975 The Original Soundtrack
1975 The Original Soundtrack
10 cc - 2012 In Concert - Clever Clogs
2012 In Concert - Clever Clogs
Spilletid 48:53 DVD 16:9 5.1 / Live optagelse fra 2007 / Spilletid 1:30:45
10 cc - 1976 How Dare You!
1976 How Dare You!
LP (Mercury 6310 501) / Spilletid 42:29